St George Home Care is a department of St George Children's Medical Trust. The main beneficiaries are the poor women and children living with HIV, their families and the communities in central districts of; Kampala, Mukono, Wakiso and Mpigi. With HIV prevalence of 8.5% among adults of population of 4,000,000 people. NHC’s overall objective is; to provide with love holistic Home-Based Care quality services to HIV/AIDS infected and affected persons that delight them, their families and communities.
Through its holistic HIV services delivery facility-based and Home-Based services, and support with various community linkages; over 14,600 patients and their families have been served since inception. NHC has a total of 6,931 (460 adolescents) patients on anti-retroviral drugs. The total number of adolescents includes those not yet eligible for ARVs is 580. NHC provides these adolescents with free medical care including ARVs, nutrition support during clinic visits, educational support in form fees for primary education and apprenticeship training, entrepreneurship skills training and startup capital for their families.
St George Children’s Medical Trust created an adolescent clinic that runs on Fridays; it runs a monthly Adolescent voice Newsletter that has contributed experience sharing. Human resource capacity built; 45 youth, 17 couples and 20 adolescents trained as trainers of trainees and staff in programming. NHC initiated the “expert patients” model 10 years ago with 50 Community Volunteers who compliment health service delivery at NHC. The organization has addressed behavior change beyond AB for the youth and couples; over 2,000 youth and over 834 couples have been trained using the Value of Life and Faithful House curriculum respectively.